Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hi all,

Tomorrow will be the last day of March 2017, I'm doing great so far even there's a huge bumped last Monday. Officially taking off my Mrs Engineer suit and put the "Suri rumah Mr Engineer" apron on (Selagi tak dapat kerja baru, haha) . Am I feel sad or down? Yes, a bit and I cried when look at my husband face (punya la macho dalam bilik boss, setitik tak keluar). But since husband said, "Inn shaa Allah, kita ok. Kita pun pernah susah dulu" , so I felt bit cool (wait until the end of April, hiks) . #prayforoilandgasindustry and #prayforhery. Actually I cried because I have to say goodbye to my not-yet-purchase-birthday-present from my husband.

Looking back my journey with the company, I've survived for too long after a few batch of retrenchments. Alhamdulillah. Biar banyak years of service.

So, what I'm going to do after retrenchment? Honestly, I don't know.  On the other side, I have a feeling not to jump back in the "war" but that's my area of expertise. I need time to sit down and keep calm, muhasabah sesambil hantar CV. Maybe I've neglected my kids, my husband all these years, so it's time to give them 100% attention. Maybe this is the start point to pursue my dreams (yeah, banyak kali I cakap dengan husband nak berhenti kerja sebenarnya. Doa dah makbul haha) Allah knows best.

Since I've not blog for a very long time, I want to share with you a few pictures during travel these 3 months.

 Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kelantan

 Pantai Penarek, Terengganu

Bukit Bendera, Pulau Pinang

Georgetown, Pulau Pinang

 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang

 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang

 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang

Brother in Law's wedding, Sungkai Perak

Air Terjun Chamang, Bentong

Rabbit's Farm, Bukit Tinggi


Batik House in Bali

Pandawa Beach, Bali

View Point, Nusa Lembongan, Bali

Dream Beach, Nusa Lembongan Bali

All pictures taken by Huawei P9 Plus. Huawei best weiiiii! Kalau rajin sis blog pasal travel nanti.

Till Next Time,
Syikin Asril

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